It’s being called the ‘Zoom boom’: plastic surgeons and medical spas have seen an influx of people wanting to perfect their face after having to look at themselves during video calls throughout the pandemic. But now Americans are focusing on something you don’t see on a Zoom call. We’re calling it the ‘Booty boom’.
Here at Cosmetica Spa, we have seen it firsthand. We’re now doing an average of 3-4 non-surgical butt fillers every day. It’s not the only cosmetic procedure Americans are clamoring to get, but it’s one procedure they’re hearing about again and again from celebrities and social media.
We surveyed more than 1,000 people to ask them about the cosmetic procedures they’ve had, want to get, and how much they spent. Here’s what we found about the influence social media is having on the way people want to look.
Booty Boom

It’s swimsuit season, and people want to look great in a bikini, but not everyone feels confident about wearing that two-piece suit. Nearly two out of five (37%) are self conscious about their butt.
Just like Sir-Mix-a-Lot, people want to get big butts and they cannot lie. Across the U.S., people are turning to Google to try and figure out how to get their best assets.
California, Texas and Florida are the top three states searching “how to get a bigger booty.” With summer weather all-year long, it makes sense people in those states would want to be in the best shape no matter the month.
Others are looking into getting Brazilian Butt Lifts. The procedure removes fat from another part of the body and puts it into the butt to make it bigger and rounder. While the top searches in many states were for local BBLs, a few states are looking elsewhere for the procedure. Wisconsin’s top search was “BBL Chicago.” In Maine, people were looking to travel internationally as the top search there was “BBL Tijuana.”
As for cities, Las Vegas is searching the most about BBLs. It’s followed by Baltimore, Denver, Nashville, and Washington D.C. As for Florida, which is arguably one of the top states for cosmetics procedures, the cities searching most for BBLs are Fort Myers, Boca Raton, and Plantation.
The Celebrity Effect

Celebrities and influencers have definitely been vocal about cosmetic procedures, specifically Brazilian Butt Lifts. There have been 5.7 billion views of videos with the #bbl on TikTok. Half of those we surveyed say they’ve heard about BBLs from celebrities or influencers, and nearly one out of five (17%) have heard about it from the Kardashians.
That doesn’t necessarily send people running to get a BBL. While one out of ten said it made them more interested in it, nearly one-third (31%) said it has made them less interested.
Either way, social media plays a big role in the way people aspire to look. More than one-third said they actually want to make themself look like a social media filter in real life. The ‘Zoom boom’ we mentioned earlier is a real thing. More than half said video calls made them more self conscious of their appearance.
Most Popular Cosmetic Procedures

More than one in ten Americans have gotten a cosmetic procedure done. Overwhelmingly, the most popular procedure is Botox (more than two out of five have gotten it!). That’s followed by laser hair removal (23%), breast implants or lifts (18%), tattoo removals (15%), and dermal fillers (14%).
Of those who have gotten procedures done, half had more than one procedure.
Nearly seven out of ten people get cosmetic procedures to feel more confident or change something that was bothering them. While most people were happy with the results, nearly one out of five (17%) did not like it.
Cosmetic Costs

Cosmetic procedures are not cheap. One of the most expensive procedures is Brazilian Butt Lifts. On average, people spent more than $7,000 for it! (Just a note: there are some cheaper alternatives to getting an actual BBL, like Sculptura). Other pricey procedures include breast implants or lifts ($5,800) and Rhinoplasty ($5,700).
Survey respondents say the cheapest procedure they got was Dermabrasion, which helps remove scar tissue and acne. The procedure costs an average of $300. According to our survey, Americans are spending an average of $400 per treatment on Botox.
Most people (64%) pay for their procedures out of pocket. About one out of ten say insurance covers it. Surprisingly, 6% say someone else paid for their procedure and another 6% chose to cover it with a Buy Now, Pay Later service. Nearly one third (28%) of people say they would consider traveling outside of the U.S. to get a cosmetic procedure to save money.
In May 2022, we surveyed 1060 people to get their feedback about cosmetic procedures. 97% of respondents were women and 3% were non-binary/non-conforming or transgender. Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 82 years old, and the average age was 36.
For this report, we also analyzed Google search volume of more than 1500 terms related to Brazilian Butt Lifts and medical spas dating back to January 2019.
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