Dermaplaning is an affordable, safe, and simple facial procedure offered in Boca Raton at Cosmetica Med Spa.
Using a device called a dermatome, your licensed aesthetician will remove the top layers of dead or old skin and hair from parts or all of your face, leaving you with fewer fine lines and wrinkles. It can also reduce the appearance of acne scars and even remove precancerous growths.
You can have this procedure done about once a month. Deep and intense dermaplaning procedures, which might be prescribed by a dermatologist, may require more healing time for side effects to subside.
What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is an intensive form of facial that removes surface hair and dead skin cells to revitalize your face and give you a healthy glow.
Dermaplaning is similar to dermabrasion in results, and both use controlled surgical scalpels to scrape away irregularities and other surface layer problems. Both procedures can be used alongside other facial treatments, including surgical procedures like facelifts, to help the skin heal and look its best.
Dermaplaning specifically can be used to reduce the appearance of acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, and even precancerous growths or moles on the face.
Unlike many types of facials, dermaplaning is considered a surgical procedure, so you’re likely to need some time to heal.
If you are curious about the deep cleaning and healing properties of dermaplaning, set up a consultation with Cosmetica Med Spa for a thorough examination of your face and to get recommendations for treatment.
Benefits & Results of Dermaplaning
If you have unwanted hair, irregular skin, acne or other scars, several fine lines and wrinkles, moles, sun-damaged spots, or precancerous growths, dermaplaning can help to even out your skin and enhance your natural beauty.
Here are some benefits of dermaplaning:
- It offers painless exfoliation of the outer layers of the epidermis with little downtime.
- It’s good for people with sensitive skin, unlike other types of deep cleansing facials.
- When combined with other facials like lasers, microdermabrasion, or chemical peels, there is excellent penetration of products.
- It’s safe to be performed regularly or frequently.
- It can significantly lighten facial scars and blemishes, including acne scars.
- Hair is easily removed and does not grow back thicker or darker.
- It is safe to get during pregnancy.
There are some potential downsides:
- It is more expensive compared to other types of facials and hair removal treatments.
- Hair removal results may not last for as long as with other methods, like waxing, which removes hair at the root.
- Results can vary based on individual skin tone, body hair, and overall body chemistry and composition.
- Those with active acne like cystic acne should not have this procedure.
Side effects can last for a few days, so you may wish to take time off work or school to let your skin heal. You may experience redness, swelling, or the appearance of scraping. These issues should heal within several days following the procedure.
Eating and talking might be difficult for a few days afterward. You may have a tingling or burning sensation on your face for a day or two. You may also develop some scabbing.
All of these side effects should heal on their own within a week after the procedure. If you have any concerns about your individual healing process, or your side effects do not go away, talk to Cosmetica for help.
The Dermaplaning Process: Med Spas to Surgery Centers
Your aesthetician will use a handheld dermatome to skim damaged surface layers from your epidermis. The dermatome looks like an electric razor, but it removes more than just the top layers of hair from your face.
Dermaplaning is a safe outpatient procedure that can be used for medical reasons in certain circumstances. While you can choose to have this procedure at a licensed medical spa like Cosmetica, you may also receive dermaplaning at these places:
- A surgical facility
- An outpatient surgery center
- A hospital outpatient clinic
- A hospital inpatient facility
- A dermatologist’s office
Typically, when you undergo dermaplaning, you will receive topical or localized anesthesia to lessen stinging or painful sensations. You should only feel pressure on your face during the process.
In medical facilities like hospitals or surgical centers, dermaplaning may go deep enough that your doctor will recommend a combination of local anesthetic, which is injected, and topical anesthetic, which might be sprayed on. Since Cosmetica offers dermaplaning as a treatment for your appearance, rather than to remove precancerous growths or long-lasting acne scars, topical anesthetic is typically best. In rare cases, at hospitals or surgical practices, you may receive general anesthesia.
Dermaplaning at Cosmetica typically takes less than one hour, although the exact amount of time depends on which areas of the face you are treating.
Dermaplaning: Affordable, Fast & Safe Facial Treatment
Dermaplaning in Boca Raton can cost between $150 and $250 per treatment. It is fairly simple and fast when performed by a licensed aesthetician, like those at Cosmetica Med Spa.
You can undergo dermaplaning about once a month since most dermaplaning procedures are about removing excess hair and skin cells. After the average dermaplaning procedure, you will want to let your skin rest for about a day. If you undergo a more intensive procedure, you may want to rest up to a week to let your skin heal and side effects lessen.
Once you have a dermaplaning procedure, your skin will glow, appear smoother and more youthful, and even feel softer. After about a day of rest, you can put on makeup again. Makeup will likely glide on more smoothly and evenly than ever before since there are fewer bumps, clumps, and hairs to catch powders or liquids. Use an unscented moisturizing cream to help your skin stay healthy and glowing between dermaplaning sessions.
Dermaplaning is one of the simplest, most affordable, and safest deep cleansing facial treatments available. Contact Cosmetica Med Spa for a consultation to determine if your skin will benefit from this procedure.
What Is Dermabrasion? American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
The Pros and Cons of Dermaplaning. (January 2020). American Spa.
Dermabrasion and Dermaplaning. Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Dermaplaning 101: What to Know About the Risks, Cost, Pain, and More. (April 2021). Cosmopolitan.